Estava eu navegando pelo site Ju-Ni quando vejo o seguinte:
"Now, let's get down to brass tacks. What can you expect in this volume? Nonstop action, for one. Starting off with Ichigo vs Ikkaku... I mean, Dordonh (SEE!? THERE'S NO "I" IN THE NAME, WIKIPEDIOTS!), forcing him to unleash both his Bankai and his mask. Meanwhile Chad and Ishida run into their own problems with Gantenbein and Cirucci. They showcase some new moves of their own to put down their foes."
Ou seja, nosso querido privarón 103 chama-se, na verdade, DORDONH!
Parece que confudiram o "H" com dois "I"s no capítulo 251. Vou colocar as outras romanizações dos arrancars mostradas até agora no manga em breve. Quem sabe temos outras surpresas por aí...
"Now, let's get down to brass tacks. What can you expect in this volume? Nonstop action, for one. Starting off with Ichigo vs Ikkaku... I mean, Dordonh (SEE!? THERE'S NO "I" IN THE NAME, WIKIPEDIOTS!), forcing him to unleash both his Bankai and his mask. Meanwhile Chad and Ishida run into their own problems with Gantenbein and Cirucci. They showcase some new moves of their own to put down their foes."
Ou seja, nosso querido privarón 103 chama-se, na verdade, DORDONH!
Parece que confudiram o "H" com dois "I"s no capítulo 251. Vou colocar as outras romanizações dos arrancars mostradas até agora no manga em breve. Quem sabe temos outras surpresas por aí...