Postado no Bleach Asylum:
Basicamente: Renji e Chad já aparecem batidos (uau, que surpresa!) Rukia é pega pelo Yammi mas Ichigo a salva antes que Yammi a esmague contra o chão. Ichigo diz que vai acabar com a luta rápido para todos voltarem ao mundo real. Rukia avisa que o ranking do Yammi mudou. Ichigo põe a máscara mas agora parece que ela possui um chifre.
124 :んじゃ ◆bvOTKk1mXg :2009/10/13(火) 21:18:12 ID:6HobeF8J0
I only read it for a minute but...
Yammi has captured Rukia.
チャド・レンジ は既に地面にはいつくばってくたばってました
Chad and Renji are already down on their knees.
Yammi and Rukia have an exchange and he's about to pound her into the ground,
苺が助けに もうこんなくだらない戦い俺がはやく終わらす
when Ichigo saves her and says he's going to hurry up and finish this trivial battle.
ルキア なんだあいつの目は…上で勝ってきたやつの目じゃない 的な事をいい
Rukia says something like: "That guy's rank...isn't the same as the rank of the guy you defeated."
3人から遠ざかる様な戦いをし あの3人を巻き込みたくない
The 3 go off and watch the fight from a distance. It doesn't appear they will be involved.
お前を速攻で倒し現世へ といい
Ichigo says he's going to quickly defeat him and then go to the real world.
仮面化した所で 完です
He dons his mask and the chapter ends.
You can only see a bit at the end, but it looks like Ichigo's mask has a horn. Maybe the one from before?
Basicamente: Renji e Chad já aparecem batidos (uau, que surpresa!) Rukia é pega pelo Yammi mas Ichigo a salva antes que Yammi a esmague contra o chão. Ichigo diz que vai acabar com a luta rápido para todos voltarem ao mundo real. Rukia avisa que o ranking do Yammi mudou. Ichigo põe a máscara mas agora parece que ela possui um chifre.