Relembrando a primeira mensagem :
At last, Aizen himself moves...!! Meanwhile, Tousen reveals the true nature of his power, could it be..!?
狛『東仙… まさか貴様…!』
Koma: Tousen.... Impossible, you...!
檜佐木びっくり 東仙左手を顔に~~~
Hisagi looks surprised. Tousen raises his left hand to his face~~~
狛『… 東仙…!! そこまで堕ちたか!!東仙!!!!』
Koma: .... Tousen...!! Have you fallen that far!! Tousen!!!!
檜『… …隊長…!!』
Hisagi:... .... Captain.. !!
White despair...!!
BLEACH 384 Can't Fear Your Own Sword
Tousen, stands in the sky against two guardians
檜『ホロウ化… それはホロウ化ですか東仙隊長…!!』
Hisagi: Hollowification... Is that hollowification, Tousen-taichou..!!
Tousen: Indeed
Hisagi: ... Why....
Silently, Tousen slashes Hisagi.
Hisagi: Eh....
Koma: Hisagi!!
Koma: Tenken!!! (Tousen is trapped while slashing)
Stop this, Tousen
Koma: What is this!!!
Tousen kicks Komamura from the left side
狛(何だ…この…… この力は…)
Koma (What... is this... this power is...)
Komamura starts falling
お前達が仲間とする あの半死神の少年も 同じホロウ化の能力を持っている筈だ
私がその力を手にする事が それほど蔑まなければならない事か?』
Tousen: How odd... That you would become nakama with that half-shinigami boy as well, who has the same hollowification ability. I only took that power with my own hands, do you despise it so much?
ボロボロ狛『彼は… 黒崎一護は望んでホロウ化した訳ではない…
だが貴公は違う… 貴公は死神として充分な実力を持ちながら自らその道を踏み外したのだ…!!貴公のそれは 堕落だ 東仙…!!』
Beaten up Komamura: I... Kurosaki Ichigo had no reason to want hollowification... That's why you're different. You already had enough power as a shinigami, yet for yourself you've lost your path! Yours is simply that of corruption, Tousen...!!
死神からホロウに近づく事が何故堕落だ? それは死神とホロウを正邪で分ける矮小な二元論から 出る言葉だ』
Tousen: Corruption? Why should crossing over from shinigami to hollow be a corruption? Those are words applicable only for the duality of those who differentiate shinigami from hollows.
狛『違う! 仲間を裏切り友を裏切り部下を裏切ってまでも 過ぎた力を手にしようとする事が堕落だと言って いるのだ!!』
Koma: No! Only for those who would betray their own friends and subordinates, only for the sake of greater power, that much is corruption, that is what I'm telling you!!
Tousen: ...Komamura...
Tousen: !!
A chain winds itselt around Tousen's neck.
Hisagi takes Tousen down by applying pressure on his neck.
東『…踏み込みが浅かったか …私も甘いな』
Tousen: Breaking into my guard that easily ... I was naive as well
檜『…いえ 俺が反射的に半歩かわしたんです
Hisagi: ... no, I held back out out of habit.
To stand without my sword, to supress it had always been part of my style
東仙隊長 あなたの教えです』
Tousen-taichou, it's what you've always taught me
Hisagi's memory
東『…どうした 檜佐木
こんな所に呼び出して… 私に話とは一体何だ?』
Tousen: ... Why, Hisagi, did you call me out to this place?... What did you want to talk to me about?
檜『…東仙隊長… 俺を… 席官の座から外して下さい…!』
Hisagi: ...Tousen-taichou.... I... Wanted to talk outside of our authority positions...!
東『…何かと思えば… 昨日の演習のミスなら気にするな
Tousen: .... Why would you think that... Was it yesterday's mistake in practice? Don't worry so much, any beginner is likely to fail the first time.
檜『違うんです!! あの時俺が出遅れたのはミスでも不注意でもない…
俺は… 怖かったんです…!
俺は昔演習で現世に行って そこで右目に傷を負いました…
ダメなんです… それ以来… 刀を抜く度 敵に対う度
東仙隊長 俺… 俺は戦いが怖い…!!』
Hisagi: No, it wasn't!! At that time, my mistake due to hesitation was not careless at all... I.. I was frightened...! I've practiced before in the real world... That was where I got injured in my right eye... That's why... To surpass that level of power, to oppose the enemy, I had to hold back my power..! Tousen-taichou, I... I am afraid of battle...!!
檜『あの時 あなたはこう言った
”だから君は席官でいるべきなのだ” 』
Hisagi: At that time, "That is why you must serve as a seated officer", you said.
戦いを怖れる心だ 戦いを怖れるからこそ 同じく戦いを怖れる者達の為に
剣を握って戦える 自分の握る剣にすら怯えぬ者に剣を握る資格はない
檜佐木 お前が本当に心から戦いを怖れているのなら』
Tousen: To become a soldier, power is not the important thing. The heart's fear of battle, because you are afraid of battle, for the sake of that same fear, you grip your sword and fight. You do not need anything else but be afraid of that sword that you hold. Hisagi, if you could truly be afraid of battle from the depths of your heart.
檜『お前は既に戦士として かけがえの無いものを手にしているのだ…!
…俺は… 俺には解りません東仙隊長… あの言葉を言ったあなたが…
何故力の為に全てを捨てたんですか…! 今のあなたは…
Hisagi: It was already too late for you to be a soldier, there is no replacement for what I hold in my hands...! I... I don't understand, Tousen-taichou... Was the you who said all those words.... Why did you throw away everything for the sake of power..! This you, before me... What is it that you fear, tell me!!
Tousen, silently stabs Hisagi.
檜『…東…せん… 隊長……』
Hisagi:... Tou...sen...Taichou...
檜佐木 ビル上から落ちていく
Hisagi falls to the top of a building.
東『…怖れているあ 私の恐怖は百年前から お前達死神と同化して死ぬことだ』
Tousen: .... afraid of what... My fear, from a hundred years ago is to be assimilated with you shinigami and die as such
Komamura:.... Bankai.
Black cord and heavenly sword of the bright king(?)
Humanity and justice...!!
The end.
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Última edição por Clamp em 2/12/2009, 2:12 pm, editado 4 vez(es)