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Resumo Rápido:
- Isshin ataca aizen e o joga longe (hauehuahaeu)
- Gin entra na luta e Ichigo o encara
- Gin invoca sua Bankai @_@
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- Τranslation by Sheetz @ FLOL
Ichigo is troubled by what Aizen was going to tell him about being "a shinigami and a..."
親父の頭突きで吹っ飛ばされるイチ ゴ
Isshin head butts Ichigo and he goes flying.
親父と殴り返し なんか戻ってこれたって 感じがする
He hits Isshin back and them Isshin(?) says something like, "So you were able to recover."
んでどうだったか忘れちゃったけど 親父が愛染に襲い掛かり吹っ飛ぶ愛染
And then I don't remember how it happened, but Isshin attacks Aizen and Aizen is blown away.
Ichigo swings his sword at Gin.
君 とは久しぶりだな~って会話をしいきなり
Gins says, "Its been a long time," then suddenly
市 丸が 卍解
Gin goes bankai.
The end.
Oh year, I remember.
After Ichigo is blown away Isshin goes after him and disappears.
愛染さん 気配を完全に消したか~
Aizen: "All traces of him have disappeared?"
で市丸さんが後ろから現れ 助太刀しようかとも思ったんですが~とか
Then Ichimaru appears behind him wonders if he help out.
They're conversing about how Gin joining in wouldn't make a difference when Isshin and Ichigo attack.
Originally Posted by LLStarks
Complete script
Source: FLOL
Credit: sheetz
Verification: Confirmed
What's Ichigo's reaction the shocking truths thrust before him...!?
Because you are a human and a...
人間と 何だ
A human and a ...What?
He thought I missed hearing it.
だけどそれは間違いで 聞く必要は最初からなくて
But that's a mistake, I don't need to hear from the beginning.
The answer has immediately appeared in front of me.
何故なら 君は人間と――
Because you are a human and a...
The action resumes.
398 Back from blind
Isshin appears in front of Ichigo.
Ichigo is shocked.
一『お… 親父… …か?』
Ichigo: "...Dad?..."
後ろを向く一心 一護に近づく
Isshin turns around and approaches Ichigo.
一護『… お い …なんとか言えよ… 親』
Ichigo: "...Hey...Say something, Dad!"
Isshin headbutts Ichigo as hard as he can.
Ichigo: "Ouch!!!"
Ichigo's blown off and clings to a building.
Isshin kicks him away.
一護『おぐ!! てめえええええええこのやろおおおおお』
Ichigo: "Hey!! You bastaaaaaarrrrrrrrddddddd!"
一心一瞬藍前の方を見て 消える
Isshin glances back at Aizen, then disappears.
藍『距離を取ったか… 賢明な機転だ 血筋か』
Aizen: "Taking him off to a distance?...A wise and clever move. Is it in the blood?"
Behind the building.
Isshin presses down on Ichigo's face.
Ichigo: "Mmmmmm!!! Mmmmmm! Mmmmmm!!!"
一心『うるせえ!訊きてえことはわかってる!! 今はちょっと黙っ て…』
Isshin: "Shut up! I know you want to ask me something!! Just pipe down..."
Ichigo kicks Isshin in the face.
一 護『静かにしなきゃいけねーことくらいわかるわっ!!息がとまるってんだ!』
Ichigo: "I know I need to keep quiet!! I couldn't breath!"
一心『おう…す すまん』
Isshin: "Oh....s-sorry."
Father and son quietly stare at each other.
一心『見間違いじゃねえぞ どんんだけ見ても』
Isshin: "As you can see, your eyes aren't deceiving you."
Ichigo:"..Apparently so."
一心『…後で話す 訊きてえことは山ほどあるだろうが… 全部まとめて』
Isshin: "...We'll talk later. I'm sure you have tons of questions...when everything's finished..."
一護、一心の言葉を遮り 『ねえよ 訊きてえことなんか ねえ
Ichigo interrupts him. "No. I don't have anything I want to ask at all.
今迄話さなかったなら理由があんだろ そいつはあんたの問題だ
If you didn't tell me until now I'm sure you had your reasons. That's your problem.
俺はそれを訊く方法を知らねえ あんたの気持 に踏み込んで泥をつけずにそれを訊く上手い方法が
俺にはわからねえ だから待つよ
I don't know how to ask. I wouldn't know a good way to ask without invading your feelings and muddying them up. So I'll wait.
いつかあんたが話したくなるまで 話してもいいって思う時まで
It's ok if you don't want to talk about it until you feel like you want to."
Isshin: "You've become a pretty good speaker, huh?"
一護『受け売りだよ 前に似たようなこと言われて 随分楽になったのを思い出しただけだ』
Ichigo: "I got that second hand. I'm just remembering when someone told me something similar, and it made me feel much happier."
一護『殴ってくれて ありがとうな親父
なんか… 帰って来た気分だ』
Ichigo: "I'm thankful you hit me, dad. mood has returned."
一心『…一護… …殴ったんじゃなくて 頭突きな』
Isshin: "...Ichigo...I didn't hit you, it was just a headbutt."
一護『そこ別にどっちでもよくねえか いいフンイキが台無しじゃねーか』
Ichigo"It doesn't make much difference. Either way it spoiled the mood."
藍『霊圧を消したか 相当強力な結界を張ったらしいな
Aizen: "Their reiatsu vanished? It appears quite a strong barrier has been erected.
…随分長い見物だったね ギン』
...You've been enjoying the view for a long time, haven't you, Gin."
ギ ン『見物してたのと違いますよ 手助けに入る隙も必要も見つからへんかったんです』
Gin: "It's not that I have been enjoying the view. I just didn't see the opportunity or need to help out."
From behind Gin Ichigo comes swinging his sword.
止めるギン それを見てる藍
Gin stops it, and Aizen watches.
Isshin swings his sword at Aizen.
藍止める 一心右手でデコピン
Aizen stops it. Isshin pokes him with his right hand.
Aizen is blown away and destroys a building.
ギン『久しぶりやね… 君と戦ううんは
Gin: "It's been a long time since we fought.
今度は手加減なしや 卍解』
This time I won't go easy on you. Bankai!:
Former 3rd Division Caption, Ichimaru Gin!!
What's his horrible true power!?
終 わり★サーセイ
The end
Resumo Rápido:
- Isshin ataca aizen e o joga longe (hauehuahaeu)
- Gin entra na luta e Ichigo o encara
- Gin invoca sua Bankai @_@
Edit do Clamp
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RAW: [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar este link]
Última edição por Nnoitra em 31/3/2010, 1:40 pm, editado 6 vez(es)