Jigoku-Hen Spoilers

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1Jigoku-Hen Spoilers Empty Jigoku-Hen Spoilers 7/12/2010, 1:16 pm

Nanda Kuchiki

Nanda Kuchiki

- Kokutoh é o verdadeiro vilão.

- Ichigo resgata a Yuzu e volta do inferno graças ao Renji, porém o próprio Renji que ajuda Ichigo a sair do inferno; Ishida e Rukia não conseguem escapar. Ichigo deixa a Yuzu na SS com a Inoue para cura-la. Daí Ichigo decide voltar ao inferno pra salvar seus amigos. Então Inoue (tem duas versões, não sei qual é a verdadeira):
(versão 1) abraça o Ichigo por trás e fala pra ele ter cuidado.
(versão 2) encosta a testa nas costas dele e fala pra ele ter cuidado.

- Enquanto os três estavam presos no inferno, partes do corpo de Renji e Ishida já estavam começando a decompor e a Rukia estava quase morrendo e como refém de Kokutoh. Então Ichigo chega e a liberta das correntes do inferno.

- O mais chocante: - Rukia aparece TOTALMENTE pelada (OMG!²) e tudo está visível. Com direito a mamilo e tudo! (Custo a creditar nessa parte...). Ela aparece jogada no chão; possivelmente sentindo muitas dores (nessa hora ela está vestida com um kimono branco). Ela é testemunha da luta final, entre Kakutoh e Ichigo. Parece que ela é uma personagem quase principal do filme, junto com Ichigo.

Aparentemente, Rukia é o refém para a batalha final, e Ichigo e Rukia chamam o nome um do outro. Rukia parece ser o personagem principal que testemunha a batalha final.

Aparentemente, ela tenta gritar incentivos para Ichigo. Após a batalha, Ichigo segura Rukia debaixo do braço, como no final do arco da SS.

Rukia fica quase completamente nua, e algumas pessoas dizem que você pode até mesmo ver seus mamilos.

Depois que Ichigo sai do inferno pela primeira vez, Byakuya e Ichigo tem uma conversa. Aparentemente, Byakuya está preocupado com Rukia, por ela não ter saido do Inferno.

Antes de Ichigo voltar para o inferno, Orihime o abraça ou encosta a testa nas costas dele, e pede pra que ele tenha cuidado.

No final do filme, Orihime usa seu escudo para pegar Ichigo e os outros, quando voltam do inferno.
Orihime cura suas irmãs, e sorriem um para o outro.

Então, Chad e Ichigo cumprimentam uns aos outros.

E Byakuya parece feliz ao ver Rukia.

Fonte: [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar este link]


Parte desse spoilers eu vi em umas comunidades do orkut de pessoas que assistiram no Japão e tavam comentando.

2Jigoku-Hen Spoilers Empty Re: Jigoku-Hen Spoilers 7/12/2010, 1:19 pm

Nanda Kuchiki

Nanda Kuchiki

Bleach Movie 4 Promo

OBS: Eu surtei quando vi o Morita no dia da estreia conversando com as fãs, quando vi a entrada da sala(portões do inferno) e aqueles copos com o tema! *-*

3Jigoku-Hen Spoilers Empty Re: Jigoku-Hen Spoilers 7/12/2010, 6:35 pm

Cain, the first Arrancar

Cain, the first Arrancar

Nem li o Spoiler, num quero, mas vi o video...
Sugoooooooooooi *_______*
A divulgação tá pesada, as expectativas tão grandes, acho que esse finalmente vai ser bom, e... as portas do inferno como entrada do cinema *_________*
Cara, porque aqui no Brasil não tem dessas coisas? i,i

4Jigoku-Hen Spoilers Empty Bem... 7/12/2010, 10:58 pm

Black Mask

Black Mask
Nível de Quinta Espada
Nível de Quinta Espada

Aqui vai uma bolada.

1st, credits to Annie and to mezzo_marinaio here in BA


translated by mezzo_marinaio

After collecting himself, Ichigo returns to Hell once again (by opening a hole in the Hell gates through an attack of his 'perfecthollow' form).
In front of Kokutou, Ichigo says that he's come to save his nakama.
But the three are dead - and Ishida and Renji are starting to rot, or something like that.
Since Rukia died before them, (Ichigo?) gets told that she'll be revived immediately.
On Kokutou's side, lava starts flowing out.
A person's shape starts to form from there, and it becomes Rukia (naked).
When the lava disappears from Rukia's collapsing form, at that same moment a white undershirt (kimono?) appears.
On her chest is attached the chain of Hell.
Kokutou (seizes?) that chain, and Rukia is taken hostage.

One more post just to reassure the IchiRuki-ness of the final fight


Well, Kokutou-san is the last boss - and he uses Rukia to threaten Ichigo.
Rukia, who's been reduced to only a soul, keeps saying 'Ichigo, Ichigo', and she's deeply worried.
When Ichigo runs wild, the Hell world leaks into the real one... so he can't run wild, since the real world would be transformed into Hell.
But the miasma from Hell drives Ichigo mad.
Rukia's support, though, intrudes/hinders... so he pulls on the chain and seizes/stops his own arm.
It looked a little bit like Nnoitra's fight.

2nd, I found this posted by Langus, still on forums.animesuki:

The best animation in this film is the first 10 minutes of the credits. It's the Super Hollow Ichigo vs Ulquiorra fight. It's bad ass, the music is awesome and the animation is sick. They must have spent a lot of money on this first 10 minutes because the animation in the rest of the film ranged from decent to really f*cking crappy.

Okay so the basic plot is this:

The shockwave of power that emanated from Ichigo after he went Super Hollow in his fight with Ulquiorra awoke a bunch of souls that had been condemned to the lower realms of Hell. It became their goal to get Ichigo to Hell because only his power was strong enough to break the chains that bound them and free them.

In order to do this, they attacked Ichigo's high school, hurt Tatsuki () and kidnapped his sisters.

Karin gets rescued by a new guy named Kakuto. He shows up out of nowhere to help a brother out. Yuzu gets sucked into Hell and Ichigo, Renji, Rukia, Ishida and Kakuto jump in after her to save her.

Kakuto says she's already dead and it's a lost cause, but they go anyway. Orihime and Chad get left behind.

The Director decided to portray Hell with having a few different levels (kind of like Dante's Inferno).

The first level looks a bit like Ichigo's inner world except there are blue roads and you can see all the condemned spirits screaming in agony, drooling from insanity or doing pointless tasks like walking into walls. At this point the Kushanada show up. They are giant skull headed things (see photo) that repeatedly devour the souls of the dead. They eat their sins or something like that and then the souls are reborn in Hell so they can re-live the punishment over and over again.

Ichigo and co. escape these guys when Ichigo busts out a hollowified Getsuga Tenshou. Everyone tells him to put that hollow shit away and he's like "But I had no control over it?"

The group jumps down to the next area of Hell that kind of looks like flowers sitting on a lake (strange, I know). This is where the lackeys from last week's manga show up. Renji gets matched up with the hulk, Rukia gets paired with the guy sporting tentacles (of course) and Ishida fights the fatty. I won't go into the fights beyond saying that Renji FINALLY redeems himself.

At this point Ichigo splits off from the others and goes on ahead with Kakuto to find Yuzu. They jump down into yet another realm of Hell. This is where Yuzu is being held captive. The bad guy here, the one you met in the manga last week is named Syren and he's basically running the show.

Syren makes new copies of the lackeys you saw last week for Ichigo and Kakuto to fight. He then threatens to toss Yuzu into some pit of lava. Ichigo freaks the fuck out and goes Super Hollow which is exactly what he wants. He saves her and blows a bunch of shit up. In the midst of his tantrum he blasts a hole through Hell to the living world, creating a gate. At that point Renji shows up out of nowhere to transport him and Yuzu back to the world of the living.

Ichigo makes it back up top, still freaking out, and discovers that despite all that tantuming Yuzu is still dead. Orihime is called into save her but she can't do shit. Yuzu has some chain from hell on her chest keeping her soul in Hell. Ichigo loses it (he's super emotional in this one).

Everyone else is still trapped in Hell and it looks like they're stuck there for good.

Byakuya is once again brother of the year and shows absolutely no emotion whatsoever that Rukia is gone. Ichigo calls him out on it and he says something like everyone knew what the risks were when they journeyed into Hell with him. Ichigo decides to go back to Hell to rescue his friends (of course).

I won't spoil the end for you guys but it's good. I really liked this film. It had some good fights, great tunes and a little something for everyone.

Orihime's rack looks absolutely fabulous and for Ichi/Hime shippers there is a really tender scene between the two of them at his place.

For Rukia fans there's a Rukia nude scene you might enjoy.

My only beefs were with the really really crap animation in some parts and the fact that Isshin was conveniently written out of the entire film at the very beginning. The arrival of SS was really nothing more than fan service since they didn't do much of anything.

The movie had a strong "the gangs all here" type feel with the original crew, minus two, doing all the fights.

Ichigo also gets a new form. Yes, he evolves BEYOND Super Hollow Ichigo into something new, so look out for that.

I'm looking forward to the subs whenever they come out. Outside of the theatre they had some original art from Kubo, which was pretty cool (sorry for the crap picture quality). Also, they gave out a free special copy of the manga with character profiles and last week's prologue chapter called "The Hell Verse" (see picture).

The movie seems to follow directly after the K-town arc, with no mention of Aizen and Co. It's sort of like what would have happened if Aizen decided to take a one day break from his world domination plans.

For character appearances:

There is NO Urahara (sad times), Yoruichi (sadder times) or Kenpachi in this movie. SS plays a VERY small role. The only SS with actual speaking parts are Ukitake, old man Yama, Hitsugaya (fan service) and Byakuya.

Photos here in the link: Langus

3rd, credits to Annie and to mezzo_marinaio here in BA


translated by mezzo_marinaio

She gets hit on the face and her tooth gets chipped...


Let's not talk about the reason why Rukia-tan looked like that - but since it's a fight scene, I guess I sort of like that desperate feeling too. It's like having her arm cut off... wait, no, if such a thing happened to Rukia-tan I'd have to lie down for a long time, no mistake about that...


Since she's a girl, even her injuries were drawn prettily... so it was without mistake a woman's battle. Even so, it didn't give off the feeling of a woman's battle... it was cool, I sort of liked it. Though I haven't read the story, so I didn't quite understand what kind of scene it was...


Come on, try to pull out a little. It wasn't really that harsh a portrayal.
Ichigo gets the hell beat out of him by Kokutou, and then Rukia-tan yells 'Ichigo!!', no?


When Rukia started running towards Ichigo, Kokutou went around her and stabbed her from the front.
Kokutou: "You, be silent!"
And faster than Rukia could guard herself against, she got beat on the face. Her body fluttered lightly in the air, and sank into the sand with a thud.
A little white fragment rolled down and fell to the side.
It was Rukia's tooth.


(Ichigo gets angry, and with a 'Uoooooooooo' cry he starts battling and quarreling with Kokutou - and with this and that and everything else he apparently turns into a hollow?)


Rubbing the blood off her mouth with the back of her hand, Rukia raised her head.
Ichigo's body was engulfed in a storm of black reiatsu.
"Shake off... the darkness... Ichigo...!"
Rukia had her eyes narrowed because of the reiatsu, and she was murmuring as if she were praying.
Kokutou: "Accept your hatred! Ichigo!"

4th, posted by utsuriga at FLOL:

2chan says here:

180 :マロン名無しさん:2010/12/04(土) 16:49:18 ID:???



"As for couplings, IchiOri won this time.

Orihime takes care of the Kurosaki twins. Helps them into their pajamas, puts them to bed.
Meanwhile Ichigo is in the living room. Orihime comes in and asks Ichigo "Are you going back?"
And clings to his back (etc.)

Totally like a married couple... like a man and a woman flirting. ("ichakora"-- I can't find the right word in English) It's like they have a long history together."


5th, posted by qqwwqw @ FLOL, translated by utsuriga:

gekkouzakura 今日は映画BLEACH見に行ったー。織姫ちゃんが一護に後ろから抱きつくシーン。シリアスでいいシーンな はずなのに、織姫ちゃんの胸が背中にあるっていうので一護が脳内でウハウハしているようにしか見えなかった あたしは本当に残念な子だ。おい一護。あたしと位置代われ。とか思いましたけど。

I saw the Bleach movie today! There was a scene where Orihime-chan hugged Ichigo from behind. It was supposed to be a serious, good scene, but being the horrible woman I am, I couldn't help seeing it as if Ichigo secretly enjoyed having Orihime's breasts pressed against his back. And I thought: 'Hey, Ichigo! Let me change places with you!'
(Me too! Me too!)

kana030303 @tite_kuboせんせー昨日舞台挨拶BLEACH見たんですけど隣に座ってたカップル達が「織姫のタ イツがリアルだった」と言ってました!先生もそう思いましたか?私は織姫大好きであの格好は好きです(*^ ^*)

@tite_kubo Sensei! I was at the Bleach movie premiere yesterday [note: apparently the official premiere with the actors and the staff appearing as well], and the couples sitting around me were talking about Orihime's tights being realistic! [? maybe] Did you also think so? I love Orihime so I loved the way she looked! (*^^*)

haitomo0614 @edokko_dey愛知県どうですか?映画の中で、一護の背中に織姫が…と言うシーン、いいシーンなの に、森田成一ならあんな胸ムニッて、うひょひょ~いだなと、邪心で観てしまったのは、内緒です。次回は、綺 麗な心でみますm(_ _)mでも、あたってたり…

@edokko_dey How was Aichi-ken? [Morita was there for some event] The scene in the movie with Orihime and Ichigo's back... it was a good scene, but I thought about how much Morita Masakazu would enjoy feeling those breasts against him [he's very open aout loving large boobs], and kept having indecent thoughts. Next time I'll watch it with a pure heart. m(_ _)m But to think they're touching me...


and Lady Orihime posted this at FLOL:

Neko from DA saw the movie!

[Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar este link]

5Jigoku-Hen Spoilers Empty Re: Jigoku-Hen Spoilers 8/12/2010, 10:41 am

Nanda Kuchiki

Nanda Kuchiki

Baixado e aprovado: Audio do filme
Upado por: ॐ~ Ħịŗө
Não escutei inteiro, mas algumas partes são:

00:06:55 até 08:40:00 - Renji e Rukia encontram com Ichigo e conversam pela primeira vez no filme. Falam da missão e deixam Ichigo de fora.
00:20:20 - Durante o ataque dos pecadores para sequestrar as irmãs de Ichigo, ele exclama: karin! rukia!
00:21:30 - Ichigo desesperado pelo sequestro de Yuzu é acalmado por rukia.
01h 07min - Ichigo está desesperado porque Yuzu não reage, mesmo com o poder de Inoue. Byakuya aparece e conversa com Ichigo sobre Rukia. Interpretação do Morita nota 1000, é tocante essa parte quando ele vê que Yuzu está morta. Quando Byby chega a sensação que eu tive é que cai a ficha pro Ichigo de que a irmã mais nova do Byakuya também morreu e que ele não é o único que sofre (isso é pessoal, o que eu senti quando ouvi). Aí o byby dá aquele discurso, E daí que ela morreu? Rukia estava preparada para isso, etc...
Na sequencia vem o diálogo IchiOri, a testada e a decisão de Ichigo voltar ao inferno.
01h 14min - rukia é revivida pelo vilão. dá pra escutar o barulha da lava e das correntes.
01h18min - rukia chama por ichigo que aparentemente está se transformando em from hell.
01h23min - rukia é resgatada por Ichigo e aparece a armadura de ossos. vilão surpreso.
01h26min - Finalmente ichigo vence (gritinho de que venceu parecido com aquele de
01h20min - rukia chama novamente
01h26min - Finalmente ichigo vence (gritinho de que venceu parecido com aquele de
quando derrotou o Byby). Depois conversa com rukia, ishida e renji.
01h27min- música de encerramento
01h31min - yuzu e karin se encontram.
Trilha sonora maravilhosa. O filme parece de muita ação e apreensão.
Escutar o áudio é como ouvir um Cd drama. Mesmo não sabendo japonês, com os spoilers e com o que estamos acostumados a ouvir no anime, dá pra entender bem.

[Creditos à Shizuka, da comunidade "Ichigo e Rukia - Bleach"]

6Jigoku-Hen Spoilers Empty Re: Jigoku-Hen Spoilers 8/12/2010, 11:25 am



estava vendo uns videos promocionais... Ichigo fica em constante bankai nesse filme Jigoku-Hen Spoilers 983668

7Jigoku-Hen Spoilers Empty Re: Jigoku-Hen Spoilers 22/12/2010, 10:33 pm



Há. se for bom como o fade to black, tá valendo . Jigoku-Hen Spoilers 815546

8Jigoku-Hen Spoilers Empty Re: Jigoku-Hen Spoilers 22/12/2010, 11:23 pm



Tem que ser um bom filme... KT ta gastando até o que não tem com as divulgações... Realmente achei massa a participação do Morita e o detalhe das portas realmente foi dmais.

9Jigoku-Hen Spoilers Empty Re: Jigoku-Hen Spoilers 23/12/2010, 9:45 am


Nível de Primera Espada
Nível de Primera Espada

Que droga,se a Yuzu foi raptada nesse filme,não será no mangá.Errei minha previsão Jigoku-Hen Spoilers 984884

O filme nao parece de todo ruim,devo ver

10Jigoku-Hen Spoilers Empty Re: Jigoku-Hen Spoilers 23/12/2010, 10:21 am


Nine-Arts Dragon
Nine-Arts Dragon

Oh crap, só de pensar que o DVD só vai sair daqui a uns 6 mesês é bem desencorajador.
Mas o filme parece bom, vamos espero que seja melhor que o FtB.

11Jigoku-Hen Spoilers Empty Bem... 6/1/2011, 7:25 pm

Black Mask

Black Mask
Nível de Quinta Espada
Nível de Quinta Espada

Novo trailer com spoilers:


12Jigoku-Hen Spoilers Empty Re: Jigoku-Hen Spoilers 7/1/2011, 3:13 pm

Douglas XD

Douglas XD

gostei =)
E ainda estou sem palavras para comentar mais ainda

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