Spacecat escreveu:
I haven't had time to read it but had a flick through, the chapter is mostly talking between the group, Ichigo and Chad. The main guy with the sword has what looks like a hollow hole in his chest. Sorry I don't read the manga much anymore so forget his name. The color page is a funky design with Ichigo shoved in there. I'm sure someone will post something better before I have time to read it later.
Ginjou é um hollow?!
Marru @FLOL escreveu:
Good guess. Ichigo is sitting alone.
(T/N: Someone asked if the new color spread is going to be just Ichigo again)
This time they talk about how they'll bring back his shinigami powers.
Ginjou wants to be human again.
Ichigo wants to be a shinigami again
Ginjou and his group says, before we were even born, our parents were attacked by hollows.
those traces left by the hollows, these are the powers we possess.
Next time, will we finally reach something? Will the shinigami powers be returned?
This method could probably return even Isshin's powers.
Chad and Ichigo have a little chat.
チャド 苺本当は死神に戻りたいんだろ?
Chad: Do you really want to become a shinigami again?
Todos os fullbringers tiveram seus pais atacados por hollows antes de nascerem.
Putz! O elenco dessa série e corno véio!
- Spoiler:
- spacecat escreveu:Some pics:
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Postado por Maaru
53 ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E [sage] 2011/01/13(木) 01:48:27 ID:Pr4aP1YSP Be:
イチゴ …チャド…!!?
Ichigo: .... Chad...!!?
チャド イチゴ…
Chad: Ichigo...
イチゴ …な… なんでオマエがここに居んだよ…!?学校にも来てねえのになんで…
Ichigo: ...W... Why the hell are you here?! You haven't even gone to school lately...
銀城 …落ちつけよイチゴ
Ginjou: ... Calm down, Ichigo.
イチゴ これが落ち着いてられるかよ!!説明しろ銀城…!!返答次第じゃ…
Ichigo: Like I can calm down!! Explain yourself, Ginjou!! Answer me immediately or...
銀城、イチゴの肩つかんで 落ち着け 三度目は言わせんなよ ハナシ聞き終えりゃ解る事だ 座 れ チャド お前もだ
Ginjou grabs Ichigo's shoulder: Calm down, I don't want to have to tell you that thrice. You'll understand once you hear the whole story. Sit down. Chad, you too.
リルカ ナニ!??知り合いだったの!?あたしソレ知らなかったんだけど! 銀城あんた知って たの!?
Riruka: What? Do you know that guy?! AM I the only one who doesn't know him?! Did you know this, Ginjou?! I can't be the only one who doesn't know yet?!!
銀城 チャドにも何か飲むもの出してくれ
Ginjou: Get Chad something to drink as well.
水沓 はい
Bartender: Yes
(T/N: I'm too lazy to look up his name, so I'll call him bartender.)
リルカ シカトかよっ!! ! 待って!もしかしてイチゴって黒崎イチゴ!?明るくしてい!カ オ見えやしな い!!
Riruka: You're ignoring me!!! Wait!! Is this Ichigo that Kurosaki Ichigo?! Brighten up the room! I can't even see his face!!
銀城 あとでな オマエはそこでたってろ
Ginjou: After this. Go stand over there.
リルカ なんでよっ!
Riruka: What the hell?!
銀城 さてと… そろったところで 本題にはいるとするか
Ginjou: Well now... Since we're now all here, should we start with the main question.
bleach433 The Six Fullbringers
水沓 では…話の前に銀城あん刀をおさめてもらえませんかね
Bartender guy: Now then, before we begin, shouldn't Ginjou-san put away his sword.
銀城 そうだな ネックレスに戻る刀
Ginjou: Oh yeah. (he turns the sword into a necklace again)
水沓 床のタイルあとで弁償してくださいね
Bartender: And afterwards please reimburse me for the floor tile.
銀城 …そうだな そう睨むなよ 俺達の能力の事は目で見て理解できたか?
Ginjou: ... Oh yeah. Now don't glare at me like that. Now that you've seen our abilities with your own eyes, do you understand?
イチゴ ああ…
Ichigo: Yeah...
銀城 結構 それじゃあ話すすめるぜ ホロオの胸の孔はどうやって開いてるか知ってるか?
Ginjou: Wonderful. Let's get on with the story. DO you know how a hollow's hole in its chest opens?
イチゴ 何の話だよ
Ichigo: What are you talking about
銀城 死神に救われなかった苦しみから中心をなくして孔があく それは勿論そうだ だがその亡 くしてしまっ た中心はどこへ行く?
Ginjou: When unaided by a shinigami in time, the suffering causes the heart to disappear and a hole opens. Of course, that's how it goes. However, where does that 'center' disappear to?
(T/N: "heart" and "center" here are interchangeable. Ginjou's logic reminds me of Kingdom Hearts, though)
亡くした中心は仮面になるんだ 仮面だけじゃない ホロオに特異な外見も 個々の特殊な能力も 全てはその 身から削り取られた中心でできている
That lost heart becomes the mask. It's not just a mask, though. A hollow's unique appearance and it's individual abilities are all manifested out of that heart.
俺達全員 生まれる前に全員 親がホロオに襲われてるんだ
We are all, even before birth - all of us, have had our parents attacked by hollows.
襲われた母体にはホロオの力の痕跡が残り そうして生まれた俺たちに宿ったこの能力は 死神の それよりも ホロオの力に近かった
Within our attacked mothers' bodies lie the traces of the hollow's powers. Afterwards, after birth, we carry these abilities within us. Shinigamis, however, also hold power similar to hollows.
俺達はこの能力が疎ましい イチゴお前もかつてはホロオの力を持ってたんだ この気持ちが解ら ねえ訳はねえ だろう?
For us, these powers are unpleasant. Even you once possessed powers of a hollow. You understand how that feels, yes?
俺達は この疎ましい能力を 自分達の中から消し去りたいんだ
We wish to be rid of these unpleasant powers.
俺達は長年かけて少しづつ同種の能力を持つ仲間を集めた そして一つの事実を発見した 俺達の この能力は俺 達と真逆 つまり
One by one, we have gathered our nakama into a single race. And thus we've discovered one truth, this ability of ours and... well,
the truth about the transference of power in one who possesses both a shinigami and a human's power
イチゴ それって…
Ichigo: You mean...
銀城 居たんだよ かつてお前の他にももう一人 死神と人間のあいだに生れたやつが
Ginjou: There are, you know. Once there was another person who was also born from between a shinigami and a human
イチゴ …!!!!
Ichigo: ....!!!!
銀城 そいつに力を明け渡すことで かつて居た仲間の何人かは人間に戻る事ができた 解るか 俺達が人間に もどる為には
Ginjou: that one gave up his power. Once we had a nakama who managed to turn back how many people back into normal people. So for the sake of turning back into normal people we
need you to regain your shinigami powers.
チャドは この町で見つけた俺達の同族だ 俺達の気持ちを理解し そのうえお前に力が戻るなら 自ら協力を申 し出てくれた
Chad: so in this town they found people of the same kind. They understand how we feel, even more, if your powers return, then we can collaborate
イチゴ そうなのか チャド
Ichigo: It seems that way, Chad.
チャド ああ イチゴ お前は隠してるつもりかもしれないが 正直力を失くしてからのお前は見 ていられなか った 戦いたいんだろ?
Chad: Yes. Ichigo, you probably want to hide it but tell me, ever since you've lost your powers, you couldn't see anymore but, didn't you want to fight?
自分の力で周りのみんなを護れないことがつらいんだろ? 隠さなくていい イチゴ
That you've suffered for not being able to protect the people around you? You don't have to hide it anymore, Ichigo
that's what I think you'd feel
銀城 死神の力が戻って そこに俺達のちからが上書きされる 戦う力をてにしたいなら悪い話じ ゃないと思う ぜ
Ginjou: If your shinigami powers return, then it's merely a bonus to what we need for our powers, if you wanted the power to fight, then it wouldn't be a bad thing to talk to you about it, or so we thought.
イチゴ わかった 協力する
Ichigo: I get it. We'll cooperate.
銀城 決まりだな
Ginjou: So you've decided.
銀城仲間女 良かった!断られるんじゃないかとヒヤヒヤしたよ!
Ginjou's femala nakama: Oh, that's good! I got chills when I thought you'd refuse!
水沓 よろしくお願いしますね 黒崎さん
Bartender: Then we have a deal, Kurosaki-san.
リルカ ちょーっと待った!! そんな簡単にそんなワケわかんない奴を信用していいの!? こ のリルカ様が 信用できるかどうか
Riruka: Wa--it a minute!! I can't believe you'd trust him over that simple reason?!! How could I, Riruka-sama, believe in this,
I'm gonna confirm it right now!
懐中電灯をイチゴにあてるリルカ カッコいいじゃないの→
She shines a flashlight on Ichigo. Riruka: I-isn't he cool
イチゴ ? 大丈夫か?
Ichigo: ? Are you alright?
頬赤くしてリルカ だ…大丈夫じゃないわよ…
Riruka's cheeks turn red: O-of course not...